Friday, June 24, 2011

Keeping York beautiful

Thank the Rodriguez family for keeping York's downtown flowers bright and beautiful.  They own White Rose Landscaping and both work other full-time jobs, but drag themselves out of bed every morning during the 'flower season' to water and fertilize downtown pots and beds.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Look around, there's help

This photo, taken years ago (it's black and white) was just a happy happening as I was cruising through town.  The young ladies with an upside down bike and an excited look would have been enough for an interesting photo, but they picked this spot next to a "service only" sign. That made it special.

And yes, I put the bike's chain back on.

Extreme Makover Home Edition and 4,000 volunteers

Work began in earnest Monday when part of the home was demolished, making way for the new building.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kindergarten graduation

Kindergarten graduations are always special to photograph, especially when one of the graduates is a friend.

Pennsylvania Hero Walk in York

Heroes started in Philadelphia and will cross the state, trying to raise awareness about military veterans and their health problems.

Learn to dance at summer camp

They certainly couldn't help it, but these dancers played the 'cute' card.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hiking, walking, boating, biking? Get outa town

Was talking recently with friends about hiking, boating, walking, biking. One left recently for a a hiking vacation in the mountains. Another was dragged off his sailboat to come to work.

A big fan of hiking I'm not.  Now, I like to walk, and there's a big difference. Hikers go from point A to point B. Walkers wander, stop, explore and investigate. Did a bit of the Appalachian Trail a few years ago with friends from Shank's Mare Outfitters, and enjoyed the trip. Food was great, fellow hikers terrific. Then I walked with Earl Shaffer for a couple days. Earl did the AT three times, the last when he was 79 years old. He's a legend, the Babe Ruth of AT through-hikers.  Wrote at least two books about his hiking.

All the while on the AT,  almost gruesome stories, the trials and bumps in the 'road' were constant subjects. Bad water, bad signs, bad trail.  Generally, how tough it was.  At the end of the trip, one of the guides said, "Now, I suppose you'll all want to be through-hikers, eh?"   No, sir, not today. Or tomorrow. I'm not that tough.

The AT is not a smooth trail, but a wooded path. And in that path you might find rocks, roots, creeks or other obstacles that would contribute to 'slippage and trippage'.  That bird you heard isn't as important as watching the trail.

Loved the experience, but I'll take the bike.

From various web sites, these are reasons why people hike, specifically the AT.

People who hike or have hiked the Appalachian Trail share a common bond that transcends age, race, socioeconomic status, political beliefs, religion, hair-dos, and all of the things that divide us off the trail.

 You will begin to feel that you too are a part of the natural flow of all life and all things. From this connectedness with all of nature new joy, delight, and energy will flow into you.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." John Muir

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Testing the heat on two feet

Hot 'nough for ya?   Hear it's gonna get warm today!  It's not the heat, it's the...

Some of the better "It's so hot..." jokes came from Johnny Carson, and for more of his gems, click here.  Or try this from the Raleigh News and Observer.

OK, already.  It terribly hot in York, Pa., right now, and the Weather Underground has it as 100.0 right now. The Weather Channel has the temperature at 93.  But the humidity is only 40 per cent, and as we all know, that makes all the difference.

Was thinking about the time I've been the hottest (aside from today, because that's always the worst).  While vacationing in Arizona, we were exploring ghost towns in a non-air conditioned van, and remembered we had to stop in a restaurant just to sit in the AC.

Down the road, we stopped at White Sands National Monument, where the sun was finally dropping. The sunset made for some interesting shadows. How miserably hot would it have been a couple hours earlier?  Maybe this bug was gingerly walking across the sand on two of his six feet.

Some friends and fellow co-workers live in the southwest in winter, and head to Nova Scotia in summer. Sounds like a perfect solution to the weather problem.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Things are looking up at Fort McHenry

Students broke into whoops, whistles and loud applause after the Star Spangled Banner was played at Baltimore's Fort McHenry Monday.  They jumped to help fold one flag, raise another.  Should give us all a good feeling.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Strawberry Festival

The Aldersgate United Methodist Church Strawberry festival on Saturday featured lots of dancing (including a Christian rap group), a car wash, "load your own hotdog" stand, face painting and beautiful day.

The Christian rap group, Two Live, made for an interesting day of listening.  Somehow, rap and Christian music don't seem to go together, but this time the words had real meaning.  In the bottom photo, the lead singer dances with his daughter. Above, the young and old enjoyed the music.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lukas Nelson at the Throwdown

It must be tough for Lukas Nelson to hear from every reporter he meets "So, what's it like working with your Dad?"  It sounds every bit like "So, little man, what's it like riding on Willie Nelson's coat tails?"

I'm not much for country music, but enjoyed Lukas' onstage energy and his sound. During interviews, he talked like a friend from the office about snowboarding and surfing . The ladies love his handsome smiling eyes; he never seems rehearsed and is perfectly comfortable during interviews.  While sitting in a Revolution locker, he flashed peace signs.

I almost expected him to say "Look folks, I like playing guitar and singing. It's really as simple as that."  Nothing deep or complicated.

Nice guy.  And for all those Willie fans out there-- sorry, but I'd rather pay to hear Lukas than his famous father.