Friday, May 6, 2011

Another bald eagle in York County

Spotted at least one eaglet Friday at one of York County's newest bald eagle nests.  There might be more, but I only saw one at a time.

The nest is tucked in a sycamore tree on the east side of the Codorus Creek just a short golf shot north of route 30.  The location is somewhat surprising, since it's so close to railroad tracks, heavy car traffic and thousands of people.

Watch CBS television's "The Early Show" video about a family of eagles in Iowa hatching here

You can't see much of anything from the east side of the creek (and it's been posted 'no trespassing' to protect the eagles) , so the best vantage point is with good binoculars or a spotting scope from the west side.  Enjoy dinner at San Carlos "The Hop", then walk about 25 yards north along the fence toward the water treatment plant. In a group of tall sycamores, the nest is in the highest tree on the left.

By the way, I suggest the Sante Fe chicken or the crabcake sandwich at San Carlos "The Hop", and on a warm evening, take advantage of its outside patio and deck.

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