Monday, April 23, 2012

Good friends and a special baby

Almost certainly, the fact that I'm not a big fan of babies has something to do with me never being a father. And it's probably why there are few baby pictures in my albums. I can remember only two other times in the past 20 years that babies have graced my monitor.

That being said, I can't imagine NOT wanting to take pictures of Troy and Tara's new baby girl. But it's altogether different than shooting for a newspaper.  In newspapers, we capture what happens, period. Posing, creative lighting, backgrounds are all foreign concepts. Babies don't take directions well, sudden bursts of light bother them and posing takes the patience of, well, a mother and father. And if the baby spits up, there's a good chance I'll loose my lunch too.  At the risk of sounding apologetic, I must admit she is a cute little girl. I'm a sucker for that pretty little pink bow. One reason I never became a father-- I was afraid I'd have a little boy.

All photos were done with no flash, just the available light. We used just a white sheet for the background, and Mom and Dad both wore white shirts.

I'm a big fan of Australian Anne Geddes, a photographer whose baby photos are truly works of art. While checking her website, look over her blog.

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