Thursday, July 5, 2012

Glamping at Pinchot State Park

Imagine camping in 102 degree heat-- enter glamping and an electric fan. From the Urban Dictionary: "Glamping-- Going camping, but with glamour. A combination of the two words. It's like regular camping , but with nicer things than usual. Glamping isn't done by usual outdoor types who climb mountains."
 Ariana Pascoa, 9, of Harrisburg is camping with her grandparents at Gifford Pinchot State Park, and even the most outdoorsy of campers must admit  that sleeping in that heat is misery.
So, don't be too harsh on Ariana. She's a very polite young lady spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, and a little electric fan isn't a big deal.    
On the other hand, you should have seen the buses there with AC running full tilt.  Or the big fans sitting on the picnic tables surrounded by everything the campers could pack into the pickup truck.

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